A year working from home… a creative point of view from my window!

While working from home, I wanted to stay creative and continue to do photography. I started taking photos from my office window and a year later I ended with a great collection of creative photos, all taken from the same window.

The pandemic has changed the world, our daily life and the way we work. Suddenly we had to follow the sanitary measures and improvise a home office. 

In this chaos, I wanted to create a pleasant place to work and I decided to put my desk right next to a window to get as much light as possible while allowing me to see the landscape and observe the weather changes all day long... and finally all year round.

During this time working from home, it was very important for me to stay creative and continue to take photographs. At first I was only taking a few photos here and there in my spare time, and gradually photography time became a quick daily break from office work, reconnecting me to my creativity.

Keeping my camera close to me, I am always on the lookout for changes in the scenery. Different lighting creates new shadows or illuminates certain trees objects differently. Sometimes taking a photo requires quick execution, either because the weather conditions change quickly or because I am pressed for time before my next virtual meeting.

The greatest challenge of all is to ignore the countless visual obstacles: wires, fences, roofs, posts, reflections, etc. To overcome these challenges, I am using a telephoto lens allowing me to isolate small sections of the landscape and letting my creativity do the rest.

Finally, there are many fascinating images all around us and creativity can be expressed in everyday scenes. Visiting a national park will certainly give you great shots, but imagine the satisfaction you could get from taking great photos just by looking out your home office window...

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